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Creating A Sustainable Commercial Space

To celebrate Earth Month, we wanted to talk about creating a sustainable commercial space.

Designing a commercial interior that is both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly can be a challenging task. However, with the increasing demand for sustainable designs, it's becoming essential for design and build companies to incorporate sustainable materials into their projects. In this blog, we will explore how to create a sustainable commercial interior.

Sustainable Materials

One of the primary ways to incorporate sustainability into a commercial interior is to use eco-friendly materials. Some popular sustainable materials include:

· Bamboo

· Cork

· Reclaimed wood

· Recycled glass

· Metal

These materials have a low environmental impact and can be sourced sustainably. Additionally, they can add a unique and stylish touch to any commercial space.

Bamboo is a highly sustainable material as it is fast-growing and requires minimal water and pesticides. It can be used for flooring, furniture, and even decorative accents. Cork is also an eco-friendly material that is harvested from the bark of cork oak trees. This material is sustainable as the tree bark can regrow, and the harvesting process does not harm the tree. Cork can be used for flooring, wall coverings, and furniture.

Reclaimed wood is another sustainable material that has gained popularity in recent years. This type of wood is sourced from old buildings, bridges, and other structures, giving it a unique and rustic look. By using reclaimed wood, you are preventing it from ending up in landfills and reducing the demand for new timber. Recycled glass is also a sustainable material that can be used for countertops, backsplashes, and decorative accents. This material is made from recycled glass bottles and jars and can be customized to fit any design.

When designing a sustainable commercial interior, it is also essential to consider the production process of the materials. Look for materials that are produced using environmentally friendly methods and have a low carbon footprint. For example, some materials require less energy to produce than others, making them more sustainable. You should also look for materials that can be recycled or reused, reducing waste and promoting sustainability.

Water Efficiency

Water conservation is another important consideration when designing a sustainable commercial space. Installing water meters can help monitor how much water is being used, but there are also water-saving devices such as aerated taps and low-flow fixtures, such as toilets.

Lighting & Ventilation

Another way to create a sustainable commercial interior is to incorporate natural light and ventilation. This not only reduces energy consumption but also creates a healthier and more comfortable workspace. Natural light can be maximised by using skylights, large windows, and light-coloured walls/interiors. Natural ventilation can be achieved through windows and ventilation systems, reducing the need for air conditioning.

In conclusion, creating a sustainable commercial interior is not only environmentally friendly but can also be cost-effective and stylish. By incorporating sustainable materials and implementing specific design choices, you can create a unique and eco-friendly space that will benefit your customers and the environment. Remember to prioritise the use of eco-friendly materials, consider efficiency, and incorporate natural light and ventilation for a sustainable commercial interior.

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